This quasi-experimental pilot study tested a 2 week intervention aimed to address the Quadruple Aims while improving productivity. Providing assessment, design, and capability for comprehensive quality strategies for nations and other large health systems. Healthcare is battling a conflict between the Quadruple Aimsreducing costs improving population health, patient experience, and team well-beingand productivity.Extending reach and impact by building capacity and skills for population health improvement and.Large campaigns and other population health initiatives to improve population outcomes at scale, with a particular focus on reducing disparities or inequities.Change packages to support the Triple Aim, starting with high-risk, high-cost populations.New models of population health management.IHI’s focus on Triple Aim for populations includes:

We convene learning networks to share best practices and proven approaches, and we develop capacity within organizations for population health improvement. In addition, key groups outside the health care system were represented, suchaspublichealthagencies,socialservicesgroups,andcommunitycoalitions. IHI is helping partners to understand and stratify the needs of their populations, to activate those populations to improve their health, and to map and utilize all of the assets in their communities to achieve improvements in health, experience of care, and costs. The 141 participating organizations included health care systems, hospitals, health care insurance companies, and others closely tied to health care. This is known as the IHI Triple Aim, and we believe it is the ultimate destination for the high-performing hospitals and health systems of the future. There is a growing realization that the successful health and health care systems of the future will be those that can simultaneously deliver excellent quality of care, at optimized costs, while improving the health of their population. What Is the Triple Aim Improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction) Improving the health of populations and Reducing the.

Applying integrated approaches to simultaneously improve care, improve population health, and reduce costs per capita